A new step

My journey continues in solosequenosenada.es. I’ve published a second step in the way. No interface changes, though, and I’m sorry for that because I don’t love the readability of the site, I know. I focused on writing because I was not sure of the cadence of production. I must say I’m surprised I made it to this week.

As I’ve moved the heavy lifting out of this page, I feel liberated to share more mundane stuff here.

I’m more interested about this phone that I’d like to admit. Since I use a Samsung S7 at work I’ve realized how far Android has come. Which is interesting because in a world of ubiquitous services (Netflix, Spotify, Facebook… are available everywhere), there is an element of indifference about the phone you use… or not. Google/Samsung have managed to catch up with Apple in all terms that made Apple, Apple. Hardware wise, I feel the new devices from Samsung are top notch. Design wise, one could argue that both the hardware and the software (thanks to the excellent work on Material Design) are pretty much there. But when I consider switching, there is one last barrier that still stops me: privacy. I simply feel that Apple’s protection of the privacy of its clients is a well declared principle of the company, while Google’s business model is based, as a matter of fact, on gathering as much data as possible from you. I feel Apple’s devices (and ecosystem of services) are more personal than Google´s. When I use my Android phone, I cannot shake off the impression that everything is being tracked. And I find it creepy enough to shy away from embracing the platform.

Not so long ago I did not pay attention to any of this. I believed in the anonymity of my dullness. “I have nothing to hide”, “There’s nothing specially interesting about me”. But more and more, even though those arguments remain true, I’m simply pissed of by companies tracking information about me that I have not given my consent to. And so, for the time being, I stay at Apple or offline.

See you next week..